
Bridging Generational Gaps To Foster Development In Cross River State

Generational gaps can be a hindrance to the development of any entity. People born and raised in different generations will definitely hold different perspectives on topical issues. If we would progress as a State, there’s a need to bridge these generational gaps. Two types of generational gaps are Technological gaps and knowledge and experience gap.

Apparently, we are in the technological era and technology is changing speedily in every facet of our lives. While the older generation is not so comfortable with it; they use technology as a matter of necessity. This is different from the younger generation who now use technology as a tool to do almost anything. To bridge this gap, it is necessary for us to connect “purpose”, and benefit, “the what’s in it for me” to the use of technology so that everyone is carried along.

Open and clear two-way communication is equally important to achieve this aim. It is also necessary to develop education and training programs that will enable people across different generations to keep up with the growing technological trends. These pieces of training should be inclusive enough, whether online, in-person, or hybrid, to accommodate the diversity and learning pace of all.

The knowledge and experience gap, which mostly the older generation possesses over the younger generation, is one that can be bridged through mentorship and a clear succession plan. There are certain roles each generation is required to play to make this work. The role of the mentor is on the older generation, whether in business, civil society organizations, government, or public services.

They should equally be willing to engage young persons in strategic positions and supervise them to success; open up internship opportunities where the young persons can gain valuable work experience and life skills. For the younger generation, no matter how knowledgeable we may be, our role is to make ourselves available for mentorship and be teachable. This should be done with the understanding that success does not happen suddenly. Yes, we can be anything we set our minds to be, but we equally must understand that grooming is a necessary path to every story of becoming.

A bit of advice to young people would be: today we are the leaders of tomorrow, tomorrow, we will be the grandparents of the future. The decisions we make now to make our world more inclusive, will to a large extent determine how inclusive the world of our grandchildren will be for us.

By Onor-Obassi Egim Tawo Esq.

1 thought on “Bridging Generational Gaps To Foster Development In Cross River State”

  1. An awesome write-up here. Onor, you are one tech savi personality I have come to know even though you are a barista…lol. thanks I learned alot already.

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