Unveiling Riches: TCRM’s Insightful Visit to the Ministry of Mineral Resources

On Thursday, the 28th of September 2023, The Cross River Movement (TCRM) embarked on another enlightening journey, this time to the Ministry of Mineral Resources. Led by Sct Omojefe Kennedy Orezime, representing the Founder and Executive Director Mr. Iso Bassy, the TCRM team was warmly welcomed by the Permanent Secretary, Mr. Emmanuel Ikade. This visit was an opportunity to extend congratulations to the new ministry, led by the Honourable Commissioner, Hon. Effiom Ekaha.

Merging Forces for Progress:

The Permanent Secretary, Mr. Emmanuel Ikade, shared valuable insights with the TCRM team. He revealed that the Ministry of Mineral Resources was a consolidation of three distinct ministries—Gas, Solid Minerals, and Petroleum. This amalgamation reflects a strategic move to streamline efforts and resources for a more cohesive approach to managing the state’s mineral wealth.

Challenges and Commitments:

Mr. Ikade speaking on behalf of the commissioner disclosed a significant challenge faced by the ministry—the exclusive federal jurisdiction over mineral mining licenses. He clarified that the state did not have autonomy in granting these licenses to companies operating within its borders. However, the ministry is resolute in its commitment to regulate and protect the environment and lands where these companies operate. Additionally, a key focus is on empowering local communities to negotiate effectively with these companies, fostering mutually beneficial agreements and encouraging sustainable development.

Revenue Generation and Synergy:

In the quest for economic advancement, the Permanent Secretary highlighted the state’s role in collecting surface rent from mining activities as a means of revenue generation. This revenue, he emphasized, would contribute to the state’s coffers, aiding in various developmental projects.

Efforts are underway to create synergy between the State and Federal Mines offices, a testament to the Commissioner’s dedication. This collaboration is envisioned to bring about benefits for the people of Cross River State, fostering a harmonious relationship between state and federal mining authorities.

Exploring Mining Opportunities:

The TCRM team was briefed on the Commissioner’s proactive efforts to explore opportunities within the mining sector. The goal is to harness the rich mineral resources for the benefit of Crossriverians. This forward-thinking approach aligns with TCRM’s vision of actively participating in the development and progress of the state.

In conclusion: The courtesy visit to the Ministry of Mineral Resources was more than a symbolic gesture; it was an insightful encounter unveiling the challenges and potentials of managing the state’s mineral wealth. TCRM acknowledges the complexities involved and is eager to contribute to the dialogue on sustainable and responsible mining practices.

As the state endeavors to navigate the intricate landscape of mineral resource management, TCRM looks forward to supporting initiatives that prioritize environmental protection, community empowerment, and equitable revenue sharing. Together, with shared visions and collaborative efforts, the journey towards unlocking the mineral-rich future of Cross River State continues.