
TCRM set to hold Interactive Session With Cross River Central Senatorial Candidates

The Cross River Movement (TCRM), a nonpartisan and non-governmental organization is set to hold its next series of interactive sessions, with Candidates from the Central Senatorial district of Cross River state. The session which is scheduled for the 4th of December, 2022, will feature Senatorial candidates, from all the political parties in the Central Senatorial district.

In a statement made by the founder, Iso Bassey, he said: “This interactive session will give the candidates an opportunity to share their legislative agenda with Crossriverrains worldwide and answer pertinent questions”. He emphasized that it will feature the Central Senatorial candidates of all political parties who make themselves available on the said date. He further stated that journalists, Civic Society groups, political groups, and the general public are all invited to attend the session.

Accordingly, the session would be held via Zoom (Online). Participants can take part in the session by using the Zoom meeting ID provided. The date again is Sunday, 4th December, 2022; Time is 4:00 PM WAT; the location is on Zoom (Meeting ID: 2361503279). It would also be broadcast live on Hit FM Radio at 4 o’clock PM WAT.

The event will be brought to you in partnership with the Africa Leadership Group, Calabar Chamber of Commerce Industry Mines and Agriculture, Cross River Economic Summit Organization, Hit FM, and a host of others.



The Cross River Movement.